Score Resolution Jump

Registration Duration
15 Dec 2021 - 31 Jan 2022
Event Dates
01 Jan 2022 12:00 AM
07 Feb 2022 11:59 PM
Event Venue
Race Kit Collection
Race Kit Collection Venue
  • Registration Details
  • Merchandises
  • Lucky Draw & Contest
  • How To Participate
  • Sponsors
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Contact Us

Registration Details


Lucky Draw & Contest

How To Participate


Terms and Conditions

  • No refund and change of category is allowed.
  • Participants can complete the challenge over multiple submission of results. Accumulation of results is acceptable.
  • Upon completion of the challenge, verification of the results by the management team, your e-cert will be send out. If you purchase the optional merchandise eg. Dry fit tee, these items will be sent out regardless of completion of challenge.
  • Participants can use any jump recording app eg. Yaoyao, Jump, etc.
  • Screenshot your challenge result contain the distance, timing and date of challenge for submission to receive your entitlements.
  • Kindly refer to the Rules and Regulations before Check Out for full T&C.
  • Apple and Google are not the sponsors nor connected in any way, shape or form with the competition.

Contact Us

Email us at