Registration Duration
11 Nov 2023 - 19 Nov 2023
Event Dates
13 Jan 2024 07:00 PM
14 Jan 2024 07:00 AM
Event Venue
Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam
Race Kit Collection
13 Jan 2024 03:00 PM - 13 Jan 2024 11:00 PM
13 Jan 2024 03:00 PM - 13 Jan 2024 06:00 PM
Race Kit Collection Venue
6hr Challenge - TBNSA Pusat Lawatan
12hr Challenge - TBNSA Pusat Lawatan
  • About the Event
  • Podium Trophies
  • Entitlements
  • Entry Fees
  • Flag Off/Cut Off Time
  • Route Map
  • Event Layout
  • Mandatory Items
  • Race Entry Pack Collection (REPC)
  • Event Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)
  • Organiser's Contact

About the Event

Run For It X returns to challenge runners to their limits by running the ultramarathon distance in Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam of 5km per loop. Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (TBNSA) is an area of forests combined with plantations/botanical gardens that lies towards the north of Shah Alam city.

The event will start and finish at Pusat Galleri, this is the same venue for the Run For It X 2024. There will be checkpoints to record the number of loops. Participants must go through the timing mat once to be considered as completing the loop. There will be food and drinks provided throughout the course of the event, served at the start/finish location. Solid food will start to be served at 11.30pm on 13 January 2024.

For the first time, there will be an additional category being introduced – the 6 hours. This category is enjoying the same finishing entitlements as the 12 hours. It is a way to encourage more runners to try ultramarathon running. Participants will have to complete the minimum loops for the following stipulated time to be entitled to the finisher’s entitlements.

12 hours 12
6 hours 6

The winner is the one who completed the most number of loops within the cut-off time for either of the category.

Run For It X 2024 is a ‘candidate race’ in the Malaysian Ultra Runners Association (MURA). Each participant will receive points according to their achievement, and this will be added to their total points in the league as they participate in other MURA-certified ultramarathon events.

Participants entitlement include a personalized bib with timing chip, finisher trophy, finisher t-shirt, goodie bag, and refreshments. Keep updated on the event by liking our facebook page at Run For It X 2024.

Podium Trophies


Entry Fees

Flag Off/Cut Off Time

Route Map

Event Layout

Mandatory Items

Race Entry Pack Collection (REPC)

Event Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)

    • The Event/Race Director’s decision shall be final and conclusive and no correspondence, queries, appeals or protests shall be entertained.
    • KPAC Athletic Club shall not be responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete entry details.
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other records of the Event for any legitimate purposes, including commercial advertising.
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to limit and refuse entries without assigning any reasons thereof.
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations without giving prior notification or any reasons thereof by displaying at any means of communication that may be deemed appropriate by KPAC Athletic Club.
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to change the event date or venue at their own discretion.
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to cancel or postpone of this event, Run For It X 2024 at any time without prior notice to the Participants, in which case they will make an effort to inform the participant prior to the date of the event. If Run For It X 2024 has been cancelled or postponed, there shall be no refund of registration fees paid and The Organizer shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused.
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to set the fees for the different categories as expedient to its intents and purposes.
    • KPAC Athletic Club shall not be held responsible for any dispute arising from incomplete entry details.
    • This event is open to all Malaysians, Singaporeans, PR and Expatriates with valid working permits, aged 19 years old and above.
  3. RACE
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to amend the Run For It X 2024 race routes as they deem fit for the safety of the participants and/or to prevent any potential hazards in the running of the event, at any time without prior notice to the participant.
    • KPAC Athletic Club shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused due to such changes.
    • Participants must wear their assigned number bib on his/her chest at all times during the race. Participants without the allocated bib number will not be allowed to take part in the race. (If any).
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to delay the commencement of the run in the event of inclement weather. Should the inclement weather persist after the delay, The OrganiSer reserves the right to cancel the race without refund of registration fees.
    • For appeal over disputes, prize winners or possible prize winners, must be present and made on-site in person to the race official, in a written format, within 15 minutes from the prize presentation, whichever is earlier. All appeal is subjected to a non-refundable RM220/RM150.00 appeal fee (if any).
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to replace any winners if he/she is found to be disqualified.
    • Participants who do not start within 30 minutes from their respective flag off point will be disqualified and for safety reasons, may not be allowed to start.
    • No pets or any form of wheel-run objects of transport e.g. inline skate, prams, shoes with built-in or attached rollers is allowed on the course during the race except officials race and medical vehicles.
    • While baggage deposit services are provided on the race day, the organizer will not be held responsible for any loss and/or damage, personal or otherwise, to the belongings and items deposited.
    • While reasonable precautions will be taken by KPAC Athletic Club to ensure the safety of participants, participants take part at their own risks and the Organizer, their sponsor and their appointed officials shall not be liable for any death or injury, loss or damage, suffered or otherwise, and how so ever arising.
    • KPAC Athletic Club reserves the right to remove any participant deemed physically incapable of continuing with the run to prevent him/her from causing greater harm and injury to himself/herself.
    • Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and/or consult their medical practitioner prior to registration and before the actual race day.

Organiser's Contact

For more information regarding this event, kindly contact the organiser at: