Cycle for Cancer 2022

Registration Duration
01 Mar 2022 - 15 Jun 2022
Event Dates
15 Jul 2022 12:00 AM
24 Jul 2022 11:59 PM
Event Venue
Race Kit Collection
Race Kit Collection Venue
  • Event Details
  • Event Intro
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Contact Us

Event Details

Event Intro

Cancer is a heavy burden on both patient and the healthcare system and nearly 50000 new cancer cases are diagnosed yearly in Malaysia.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, MAKNA disbursed RM15 million in aid to nearly 7000 patients all over Malaysia in the year 2020. Since its establishment in 1995, MAKNA has provided curative, preventive, research and support services to cancer patients and their families, high-risk groups and the general public in Malaysia.

The Malaysian Medical Association proposes to organize a fund-raising event – Cycle For Cancer 2022 towards the fight against cancer. We aim to raise a total of RM500,000 for the National Cancer Council (Majlis Kanser Nasional – MAKNA) of Malaysia.

Your participation in this event will indeed increase public awareness on cancer and make a difference in the lives of cancer patients, survivors, and their families.

We are also looking for sponsors and appreciate your contribution towards the fight against cancer! Do register your interest here:

Is 1100km + too far for you? Want to join the event but not cycle? Have vehicle/motorbike and would like to be part of our support convoy? Do register as a volunteer here!

Full concept paper here:

Terms & Conditions

  • This race will take place from Sandakan-Sibu and you need to be physically present to take part.
  • A minimum donation of RM3000 is required to participate in the event (all funds will go to MAKNA after operating costs are covered).
  • You are required to complete the entire course however please contact the organizers should you have any personal matters/emergencies you have to attend to during the course of the event.
  • Participants who do not finish the entire course will not receive an eCert of completion but will still receive the goodie bag/t shirt/other entitlements and letter of appreciation for their contribution in the fight against cancer.
  • For other FAQ please refer to
  • Race packs and goodie bags will be given to participants during the briefing the night before the event

Contact Us

Contact us at for more details!